European Crypto Wallet
Best rated hardware crypto wallet on the market
European Crypto Wallet BC Vault is the World’s safest Hardware Cryptocurrency Wallet!
It comes with many great features that our customers absolutely love:
- Encrypted private keys.
- 2-factor authentification.
- Support for all major coins, 2000+ supported wallets.
- Full control of your private keys.
- Large, user-friendly display, and simple-to-use buttons.
- Top-quality build and design. Gunmetal and Quicksilver variations are made from aircraft-grade materials.
- Free backup to the included (or any) SD card or paperQR.
- Support for different browsers.
- It’s immune to computer viruses and hackers that can steal from software wallets.
- Applications for Windows, for Linux and OSX.
- And many, many more!

Browse between our BC Vault models and get yourself the most secure cryptocurrency wallet today!