BC Vault News
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Bitcoin.com Reviews BC Vault One
One of the biggest responsibilities of cryptocurrency owners is safely storing their digital assets. Over the last few years, hardware wallets have become an extremely
CryptoGlobe.com reviews BC Vault One
The BC Vault is an interesting addition to the existing roster of hardware wallets and has clearly been designed to fall closer to the security
UseTheBitcoin.com compares BC Vault to other hardware wallets
An excerpt from the comparison: BC Vault was created because established hardware wallets like Trezor and Ledger do not focus 100% on their issues. For example,
Release notes 1.2.5
BC Vault 1.2.5 has been released. Notable Features: Fixed bug with using multiple custom erc-20 tokens at once.
UseTheBitcoin publishes review of BC Vault One
An independent, unbiased review of our BC Vault One blockchain hardware wallet, has been published by UseTheBitcoin, which was founded in 2017 by a group
Large display for security reasons and ease of use
2.42-inch OLED 128×64-pixel display. The BC VAULT display shows all the information regarding specific transaction: Sender address, Wallet name, Recipient address, Amount, and Fee. The