BC Vault now supported on MyEtherWallet.com

We are glad to announce, that BC Vault is fully supported on MyEtherWallet.com portal, where you can do operations in regards to Ethereum currency and all of the ERC20 tokens.

Check it out at: https://www.myetherwallet.com

How to use BC Vault with MyEtherWallet.com

  1. Click on “Access My Wallet”
  2. Select Hardware
  3. Click on “BC Vault” and “Continue” (You might get a browser prompt to enable pop-ups, do so):
  4. Enter your global password in the pop-up dialogue. Make sure the pop-up window features secure communication (small lock is displayed) and is talking to localhost (your computer running BC Daemon) address:
  5. Enter your global PIN on the device
  6. Enjoy

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